Education for Responsible Drinking
Learn to drink responsibly. Don't put yourself and others in harm's way.

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Drink driving is a very dangerous and reckless practice that can have devastating consequences for those around you - your passengers as well other road users such pedestrians or cyclists.
Recent articles
Drink driving limits
There are different drink-drive limits, so it's important to know which one applies to you before getting behind the wheel after drinking alcohol.
Drink driving offences
One of the most common drink driving offences is excess alcohol. You may face multiple charges depending on the circumstances.
Drink driving campaigns
You may have heard the line "Don't be a bloody idiot" before. Government departments like NZTA run educational campaigns against drink driving.
How to reduce drink driving
The last thing you want is to get behind the wheel after drinking. There are other ways for people who have had too much drink to get home safely.
Drink driving statistics
The more you know about drink driving statistics, the less likely it is that your next car accident will be a result of this unsafe practice.
Drink driving and immigration
A drink driving conviction could cause complications with Immigration New Zealand and result in work visa cancellation and even deportation.